Book Heidi

Resilience and Wellbeing Program

Aligned with the NSW Syllabus

It’s hard to create programs that tick all the boxes if you haven’t had specific training. After-school meetings, never-ending paperwork, and an expanding curriculum mean teachers have less prep time than ever.

We believe teachers should be able to outsource to a specialist, so they can deliver syllabus outcomes efficiently and get great results. We run resilience and well-being programs in schools every day, so you don’t need to become an expert in yet another subject.

Planning lessons on resilience and wellbeing shouldn’t cause stress

Imagine if you could outsource to an expert for an easier and more enjoyable term

  • The syllabus is continually expanding, but you have less time for lesson preparation than ever before
  • Never-ending paperwork and after-hours meetings
  • Increasing parental expectations mean there just aren’t enough hours in the day
  • It’s hard to create programs that tick all the boxes if you haven’t had specific training in that area
  • Teachers are exhausted, frustrated, and overwhelmed
  • Feel are overworked, under pressure, and mentally drained from trying to keep up with an expanding syllabus
  • We know that teachers want to teach the syllabus efficiently and get great results

It doesn't have to be this hard. We believe

  • You should be able to focus on teaching in the areas you been trained in
  • Teaching resilience, well-being and mindfulness shouldn’t cause stress
  • Teachers ought to be able to outsource to an expert in areas where they don’t have specific training, so they can deliver syllabus outcomes efficiently and get great results
  • Imagine an easier, more enjoyable school term
  • You can focus on teaching in the areas you love, instead of trying to become an expert in yet another field
  • You can relax, confident that the well-being component of the syllabus is taught by someone who does it every day
  • You’ll have engaging take-home resources at your fingertips which saves you time, energy and brain-space, and your boss will think you’re a genius

Resilience and Wellbeing Program

Focusing on Syllabus Outcome

Heidi Horne has worked in schools for more than 10 years, delivering mindfulness, well-being, and yoga programs for kids in Sydney schools.

Heidi has a valid Working With Children Check and has created a suite of practical resources so kids (and their families) can build on their in-class learning at home.

As a parent of two, Heidi has developed close working relationships with teachers and principals at her children’s schools being on committees and as a class parent, running social events, gala days, and more. She knows first-hand the pressure teachers are under to deliver an excellent education & the exhaustion that creates.

YES! We want the Resilience and Wellbeing Programs at our school


  • Specialist in the Resilience and Wellbeing space to your school
  • Over 10 years of experience working in schools WWC and First Aid
  • Programs fully with the NSW Syllabus
  • Outsourced to an expert who does this in schools everyday
  • Travel covers the Greater Sydney region, includes full setup and preparation
  • PDF resources and paper worksheets for teachers and students
  • Caters to your school timetable, Wellness days, or school camps

Her wealth of experience with all age groups and her deep knowledge of not just yoga but also mindfulness, breathing, and exercise more generally as a form of stress relief enable her to bring a healthy, positive and engaging mix to the group.

She allows for a deeper understanding of yoga as being part of a bigger picture of personal self-education and self-care as a way to distress and cope better with life’s challenges. She weaves in meditation aspects, breathing techniques and also gives insight into the importance of a mindful state of mind.

Jonas Stoebe

PDHPE Teacher & Co-curricular Organiser
Glenaeon Rudolf Steiner School

As a parent I’ve been closely involved in P&F committees and school programs so I’ve seen the stress, pressure and personal cost that teachers face from the inside of the school community.

So many teachers are at their desk at 7am and until late in the evenings because they are still writing programs.

I’ve seen way too many teachers burn out and quit, leaving a profession they once loved because the teaching load and parental expectations increased year on year.

I am here to help.

YES! We want the Resilience and Wellbeing Programs at our school

What is the steps?

1. Book Heidi in for a chat

2. Download the information kit

3. Check availability and book in date at your school