Breathe for Peak Performance

Corporate breathwork workshops that boost Employee Health and Elevate Productivity and Energy giving Peak Performance for Leaders and Teams.

Transforming Employee Health and Efficiency

Our workshops deliver science-driven programs that elevate the well-being and productivity of your team through breathwork and mindfulness.

Our strategies are deeply grounded in scientific research, ensuring a comprehensive approach to improving employee wellness.


What We Offer You

Harmonise Your Team

Our bespoke breathwork programs cater to individual needs, ensuring every team member thrives, no matter their starting point.

  • Enhance restorative sleep and mental resilience with straightforward breathing techniques.
  • Achieve the focus and stability required to excel in all aspects of life.
  • Boost energy levels and combat fatigue through effective breath control.

Sharpen Focus and Concentration

Master the art of focus and concentration, essential for success but often overlooked. Learn to counteract the effects of oxygen deficiency and stress on cognitive performance.

  • Manage stress for sustained clarity and concentration during the workday.
  • Use breathing techniques to train attention and amplify focus.
  • Optimise blood flow and oxygen delivery to the brain for peak mental performance.

Elevate Performance and Productivity

Unlock the power of breathwork to access flow states, ignite creativity, and bolster confidence.

  • Incorporate breathwork into your daily routine for peak performance.
  • Regulate your nervous system with breathing resets to maintain your best.
  • Apply techniques to avoid jet lag, regulate mood, and relax before critical events and negotiations.

Supercharge Employee Productivity

  • Boost Energy
  • Enhance Endurance

Slash Workplace Stress

  • Manage Stress Effectively
  • Reduce Anxiety

Enhance Sleep Quality

  • Improve Rest
  • Enhance Focus

Cut Health Costs

  • Lower Healthcare Costs
  • Reduce Absenteeism
  • Decrease Overall Expenses

Flexible Integration Options

Our breathwork programs can be delivered as standalone workshops or seamlessly integrated with other services, such as:

  • Happy Leaders Workshops
  • Leadership Retreats
  • Corporate Wellness Programs
  • Keynotes

Why trust us?

Heidi Horne is certified as a Level 3 Yoga Teacher (Pranayama and Meditation) and also SOMA Breathwork Facilitator.

A comprehensive study conducted by researchers at the University of Cambridge has shed light on the impact of SOMA Breath on brainwave activity and mental health/wellness.

Notably, the breathwork meditation techniques associated with SOMA Breath induced significant alterations in brainwave patterns as reported by the Cambridge Study. 

The study also found that SOMA Breath meditation positively affects mood, reducing negative emotions like tension and confusion while enhancing positive states such as happiness and calmness.

This research collaboration with Cambridge University is a significant milestone for the global breathwork community. Dr. Tristan Bekinschtein of Cambridge explained that they chose SOMA Breath due to SOMA Breath's systematic approach and effectiveness, as reported by participants and researchers. The current ongoing research at Cambridge, involving comprehensive case studies and clinical trials, aims to further deepen our understanding of SOMA Breath's role in treating mental health issues, potentially offering new, non-pharmacological treatment options.