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We were not meant to grow up being stressed out!

Oct 14, 2023
We were not meant to grow up being stressed out!

Beyond the Grind: How to Thrive and Find Inner Joy in a Stressful World

Let’s talk about finding your happy place and shaking off all that stress we deal with daily.

Life’s a big story, right? And our main goal? Living it with a smile on our faces! We weren’t born to be constantly stressed out; we’ve got this awesome ability to find happiness within us.

Life isn’t about struggling through all the tough stuff. It should be a journey where we ride the waves of joy.

Picture having the tools to chuck out the stress and fully soak in the good moments. And guess what? You’ve already got what it takes to make this happen.

Life? Oh, it loves throwing curveballs. But here’s the thing: in just a minute, you can boost your own happiness, even when things seem super rough.

You know how the world sometimes makes stress seem like the “normal” state of being? It’s easy to forget that happiness is actually our birthright. Deep down, we’ve all got this well of positivity waiting to be tapped into.

So, let’s dive into this journey, knowing that happiness isn’t this far-off idea; it’s a big part of who we are. Let’s reclaim it and steer our lives towards what truly fills us up.


Want more tools for workplace happiness? This is one of the topics I cover in Happiness and Mindfulness Talks and Corporate Wellness Programs.

I rewire teams for happiness so that companies can be more joyous, productive, and profitable.

Message me if you’d like to find out what that could look like for you and your company.


Heidi Horne is a Happiness and Mindfulness Speaker, who helps teams to rewire their happiness so that companies are more joyous, productive and profitable, through her keynote talks and corporate wellness programs. Having been in the wellness space for 17+years, Heidi uses her extensive experience and knowledge to help Human Resources, Training, and Event Managers to provide audiences with proven tools and strategies to let go of stress, be mindful daily, and self-generate inner happiness, creating both happier employees and workplaces.

Heidi lives in Sydney, Australia and is currently available for speaking and workshop facilitation (in-person or virtual), and can be reached via [email protected].

To date, Heidi has worked with thousands of corporate employees to create new habits, foster a positive mindset, and embrace daily mindfulness

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