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Use this easy practice to feel more focused, grateful and happier each day

Jun 28, 2023

I am here to help you create new positive habits so that you can feel happier, healthier, and more mindful and live in the moment as much as you can every day.

We have 1440 minutes every day and I am asking you to dedicate just one minute to starting a new positive habit.

Today I am talking about the most important questions that you can ask yourself... I am going to give you two examples of men that ask themselves questions every single day.

The first one is Vishen Lakhiani who is the creator of the successful Mind Valley. He has three questions and he calls them the most important questions. I have got these written up on a whiteboard next to my desk so that I can always adhere to them and it aligns me with my goals and values in my life. The questions are:

  1. What do you want to experience in your life?
  2. How do you want to grow and develop yourself?
  3. What do you want to contribute?

Another example is of the late Steve Jobs. He found himself at a young age standing in front of the mirror every morning and asking himself this question - if this was my last day on Earth... Would I be doing what I am about to do today? And if the answer was no too many days in a row, it was not aligned with his values and then he would be changing the situation.

If you feel like you are really stretched for time, write just one sentence about yourself. This is a great to do at the end of the day and can either be written as how you are feeling, for example, "I feel... " or it can state what you are grateful for achieving that day, for example, "I am so happy and grateful that I... "

Engaging in the practice of jotting down one sentence each day, whether it is a reflection on personal experiences, emotions or achievements, takes only a minute and is rewarding for your mental wellbeing.

Watch the video on 'asking yourself important questions' from my One Magical Minute Series.

It can also allow you to be in the state of mind of the GAIN rather than the GAP. When focusing on the gain at the end of the day with accomplishments, you adopt a positive mindset by acknowledging and appreciating what you have achieved. It involves reflecting on the progress made, no matter how small and recognising the steps taken towards your goals. This approach promotes a sense of fulfilment, boosts motivation and helps cultivate feelings of gratitude.

I hope you have learnt something from this. I would love to know what journaling or writing routines you have in place or what you plan on adding on.

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