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The Ripple Effect of a Compliment

Jul 19, 2024

Welcome to One Minute to Happy, the practical steps based on Heidi’s upcoming book.  This newsletter is designed to provide you with a new weekly tip to implement into your life to empower you to self-generate happiness in just one minute a day, uplifting both your personal and professional life.

Each tip is structured to include:

-        The situation or environment where the tip is most applicable.

-        Why this tip matters and its potential impact

-        Clear, actionable steps to implement the tip.

The Ripple Effect of a Compliment

Ever notice how a genuine compliment can make someone's day?

Whether it's a friend, a colleague, or even a stranger, kind words go a long way.

Giving compliments isn’t just about making others feel good—it boosts your own happiness too. It enhances social connections and spreads positivity like wildfire. Think of it as a small investment with huge returns in the happiness bank.


  • Think of something genuine and positive about the person you're with. Is it their smile? Their hard work? Their kindness? Authenticity is key—people can spot a fake compliment from a mile away.
  • Offer the compliment sincerely. Look them in the eye and let your words flow naturally. Keep it simple but heartfelt.
  • Observe their reaction and the positive impact it has on your own mood. Notice how their eyes light up or their posture shifts. Feel the warmth and happiness bounce back to you—it's contagious.

Why It Works:

  • Compliments create a positive feedback loop, boosting both the giver's and receiver's mood.
  • It fosters a sense of connection and appreciation.
  • It’s a small act that can make a big difference in someone's day, including yours!

So, next time you’re interacting with someone, take a moment to share a sincere compliment. It’s a quick and easy way to spread joy and uplift both you.


PS: When you are ready, here are THREE ways I can help you or your organisation achieve high performance with Mindful Leadership

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