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One Minute Laughter - How does it work?

Jul 11, 2024

Welcome to One Minute to Happy, the practical steps based on Heidi’s upcoming book.  This newsletter is designed to provide you with a new weekly tip to implement into your life to empower you to self-generate happiness in just one minute a day, uplifting both your personal and professional life.

Each tip is structured to include:

-        The situation or environment where the tip is most applicable.

-        Why this tip matters and its potential impact

-        Clear, actionable steps to implement the tip.

One Minute Laughter - How does it work?

Where: Whether you're in a social setting or enjoying some alone time, laughter is a universal tool that can brighten your day in just a minute.

Why?: Laughter isn't just a spontaneous reaction to something funny; it's a powerful mood booster that releases endorphins, those feel-good chemicals that elevate your spirit and reduce stress.


  1. Watch a short funny video or recall a humorous memory.
  2. Allow yourself to laugh, even if it feels forced at first.
  3. Notice the lightness and joy that follows a genuine laugh.

Try it today! As a leader, incorporating brief moments of laughter into your daily routine can not only enhance your own well-being but also foster a positive and resilient work environment for your team.



PS. When you are ready, here are THREE ways I can help you or your organisation achieve high performance with Mindful Leadership.

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Invest in our Happy Leaders Workshops - Mindful Leadership for Peak Performance.

Addressing stress boosts team dynamics and organisational success. Book the Happy Leaders workshop to supercharge your leadership and bottom line.

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