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Happy Leaders

cultureofhappiness employeeengagement happinessatwork happyleadership happyteams leadershipdevelopment leadershiphappiness leadershipstrategies teamproductivity workplacewellbeing Apr 08, 2024

Where does happiness sit on your scale of importance as a LEADER?

In today's fast-paced work environment, effective leadership goes beyond just delegating tasks and managing projects. It's about creating a culture where teams thrive, productivity soars, and employees feel valued.

You are the role model for your team and set the ripple effect through the organisation. 

How does happiness come into this?

Research from esteemed institutions like Stanford Graduate School of Business, The Economist, and PwC has shed light on the profound impact of happiness on leadership effectiveness and team performance.

Leaders who neglect their own well-being risk burnout, which not only affects their productivity but also trickles down to their teams. Stressed and low-energy leaders are more likely to have disengaged employees, lower productivity, and higher turnover rates.

Happy Leaders = Happy Teams = Higher Productivity = Higher Profits

A workplace with happy leaders, creates employees that feel motivated and valued, and the produces peak performance.  A Win Win. Boosting team productivity and improving employee retention; as well as creating a culture of happiness and connection.

Interested in our Happy Leaders Workshops?

Prioritise happiness at the core of your leadership and equip yourself with powerful strategies to manage stress, cultivate positivity, and enhance communication within your team. Reach out to start a conversation about introducing this with your leadership team.


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