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Happiness is the number one thing people want in life.

Oct 14, 2023

Happiness is a universal aspiration. It doesn’t matter where we come from, what we do for a living, or how old we are.

So, what’s the secret to attaining it?

Let’s keep it simple.

* Believe You Can Be Happy: Belief holds immense power. If you don’t believe you can be happy, happiness will remain elusive. Our beliefs shape our actions, and they pave the way to our dreams. Begin by believing in your capacity to experience genuine happiness.

* Choose Happiness: Instead of tirelessly chasing happiness as if it were a fleeting butterfly, choose to embrace it. Happiness is not an external destination; it’s an internal decision. By opting to be happy in the present moment, you shift your perspective and open the door to lasting contentment.

Your beliefs dictate your choices, and your choices influence your reality. It’s a beautifully simple cycle, yet one that can significantly impact your pursuit of happiness.

So, let’s reframe our beliefs and exercise the power of choice. Belief fuels possibility, and choosing happiness leads to a life filled with joy, purpose, and fulfillment. Remember, the path to happiness often begins with the simplest of steps — believing in yourself and choosing happiness.


Want more tools for workplace happiness? This is one of the topics I cover in Happiness and Mindfulness Talks and Corporate Wellness Programs.

Less stress = happier employees = productive and happier workplaces!

Heidi Horne is a Happiness and Mindfulness Speaker, who helps teams to rewire their happiness so that companies are more joyous, productive and profitable, through her keynote talks and corporate wellness programs.

Having been in the wellness space for 17+years, Heidi uses her extensive experience and knowledge to help Human Resources, Training, and Event Managers to provide audiences with proven tools and strategies to let go of stress, be mindful daily, and self-generate inner happiness, creating both happier employees and workplaces.

Heidi lives in Sydney, Australia and is currently available for speaking and workshop facilitation (in-person or virtual), and can be reached via [email protected].

To date, Heidi has worked with thousands of corporate employees to create new habits, foster a positive mindset, and embrace daily mindfulness.

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