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Feeling Stiff? Discover the Power of Daily Stretching

#continuousimprovement #innovativeleadership #reflectanditerate australian lifestyle corporate wellness endorphin boost stretching yoga Aug 09, 2024

Welcome to One Minute to Happy, the practical steps based on Heidi’s upcoming book.  This newsletter is designed to provide you with a new weekly tip to implement into your life to empower you to self-generate happiness in just one minute a day, uplifting both your personal and professional life.

Each tip is structured to include:

-       The situation or environment where the tip is most applicable.

-       Why this tip matters and its potential impact

-       Clear, actionable steps to implement the tip.

Feeling Stiff? Discover the Power of Daily Stretching


  • First thing in the morning to start your day right.

  • Midday to break up long periods of sitting.

  • Before bed to relax and unwind.


  • Reduces muscle tension and improves flexibility.

  • Enhances blood circulation and overall well-being.

  • Helps prevent injuries and eases aches and pains.

Steps/Action to Take:

  • Morning Stretch: Reach for the sky, bend forward, touch your toes, and hold for 30 seconds.

  • Midday Break: Stand up, interlace your fingers behind your back, and stretch your chest.

  • Before Bed: Sit on the floor, spread your legs, reach for each foot, and hold the stretch.

Make stretching a daily habit and watch how it transforms your body and mind.

Have a great day.


PS. Here are FOUR ways I can help you and your organisation achieve high performance with Mindful Leadership.

1.     Discover the 7 Inside Secrets to Becoming a Happy Leader in One Minute or Less.

Learn actionable tips to transform your leadership approach. Secrets designed to boost your happiness and effectiveness as a leader. Number 5 will change your day immediately! DOWNLOAD HERE

2. Book your FREE 20-Minute Leadership Strategy Session.

Struggling with challenges? Facing frustration points?

Let's discuss what you've tried and discuss actionable strategies to achieve high performance within your teams. Open this up to a few spots per month. CHECK SPOTS AVAILABLE

3. Invest in our Happy Leaders Workshops - Mindful Leadership for Peak Performance.

Addressing stress boosts team dynamics and organisational success. Book the Happy Leaders workshop to supercharge your leadership and bottom line.


4. Request Our Services

Send a message with the word ‘TRANSFORM,’ introduce yourself, your career or business, and your #1 roadblock in leading your team or organisation.


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