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"Ever Tried Deep Breathing? Here’s Why You Should Start Today!"

#continuousimprovement aussie work wellness australianworkforce deep breathing employee health endorphin boost productivity boost Aug 01, 2024

Welcome to One Minute to Happy, the practical steps based on Heidi’s upcoming book.  This newsletter is designed to provide you with a new weekly tip to implement into your life to empower you to self-generate happiness in just one minute a day, uplifting both your personal and professional life.

Each tip is structured to include:

-       The situation or environment where the tip is most applicable.

-       Why this tip matters and its potential impact

-       Clear, actionable steps to implement the tip.

"Ever Tried Deep Breathing? Here’s Why You Should Start Today!"

In today's fast-paced world, stress can creep up on us at any moment. Whether you're in a meeting, stuck in traffic, or simply feeling overwhelmed at home, it's crucial to have a quick and effective way to regain your composure. Deep breathing exercises are a practical tool that you can use anytime and anywhere to manage stress and refocus your mind.

Deep breathing reduces stress and helps to refocus your mind. It's a simple yet powerful tool to help you regain control, especially during hectic moments.

3 Steps You can take:

  • Find a Comfortable Spot: Sit comfortably and close your eyes. Whether you're at your desk, in a park, or on the couch, make sure you're relaxed and at ease.

  • Inhale Deeply: Take a deep breath in through your nose for a count of four. Feel your lungs fill up with air, expanding your chest and belly.

  • Hold Your Breath: Hold the breath for a count of four. This pause allows the oxygen to circulate and your body to absorb it fully.

  • Exhale Slowly: Slowly release the breath through your mouth for a count of four. Imagine blowing out a candle, letting go of all the tension.

  • Repeat the Cycle: Continue this cycle for one minute. You'll start to notice a sense of calm and clarity washing over you.

Why It Works: Deep breathing exercises are scientifically proven to reduce stress and anxiety.

  1. When you take deep breaths, it sends a message to your brain to calm down and relax.

  2. his helps to lower your heart rate and blood pressure, counteracting the effects of stress.

  3. By focusing on your breath, you also shift your attention away from stressful thoughts, allowing your mind to reset and refocus.

This simple practice can make a significant difference in your overall well-being and productivity.

Have a great day.


PS. Here are FOUR ways I can help you and your organisation achieve high performance with Mindful Leadership.

1.     Discover the 7 Inside Secrets to Becoming a Happy Leader in One Minute or Less.

Learn actionable tips to transform your leadership approach. Secrets designed to boost your happiness and effectiveness as a leader. Number 5 will change your day immediately! DOWNLOAD HERE

2. Book your FREE 20-Minute Leadership Strategy Session.

Struggling with challenges? Facing frustration points?

Let's discuss what you've tried and discuss actionable strategies to achieve high performance within your teams. Open this up to a few spots per month. CHECK SPOTS AVAILABLE

3. Invest in our Happy Leaders Workshops - Mindful Leadership for Peak Performance.

Addressing stress boosts team dynamics and organisational success. Book the Happy Leaders workshop to supercharge your leadership and bottom line.


4. Request Our Services

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