Add some gratitude today in just ONE MAGICAL MINUTE (and you get all the benefits!)
Jun 28, 2023Every day you have 1440 minutes in a 24-hour period and in just 60 seconds can change your mindset.
In just ONE MAGICAL MINUTE you can add mindfulness, and make you feel more positive for the rest of the day ahead.
Today we're talking about gratitude.
You've probably heard so much about gratitude and why it's so important and how many benefits it has. These benefits have been scientifically proven.
Just some of the many benefits of a gratitude practice include better sleep, more empathy, becoming a more helpful and kind person, and feeling more hopeful about the future.
Adding a daily gratitude practice doesn't have to be hard. Just think about three or five things that you're grateful for in this moment. I like to do it first thing in the morning and last thing at night, but you could do it throughout the day as well. Even better if you can add a nice big smile on your face while you're doing it!
It will give you all those beautiful feel-good feelings. It is also one of the quickest ways to flip yourself of feeling grumpy or negative. When you are being grateful, you cannot be angry, grumpy or negative at the same's impossible.
So, next time you're feeling a little bit low, take ONE MAGICAL MINUTE and see if you can add those feel-good emotions by feeling grateful.
Look around at what you can see.
Think of the good that happened in the day.
Be happy and grateful for what you achieved this week.
Even if it's just the fact that you are breathing and that you are alive today.
So, give it a go. Tell me how it feels...
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