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#groundingexercise #oneminutereset #positivemindset Nov 29, 2024

Welcome back to One Minute Reset.This week, we’re talking about a one-minute practice to help you find calm and clarity—by bringing a little nature into your day.

Feel Like You Need a Reset? Step Outside or Bring Nature In

When stress builds up, one of the best ways to reset is to get outside. Research shows that just a few moments in nature reduces stress, improves focus, and restores energy. But what if you’re tied to your desk?

You can still bring nature’s benefits indoors with a plant, a picture, or even a quick nature visualization.

Why It Works

Nature’s effect on the brain is powerful. Studies reveal that exposure to nature—even images or sounds of it—activates areas of the brain associated with calm and focus. In fact, time in green spaces has been linked to lower levels of cortisol (the stress hormone), higher creativity, and improved well-being.

Try This Simple 5-4-3-2-1 Grounding Exercise:

If you can’t get outside, here’s an easy one-minute grounding exercise that brings the benefits of nature to you. This exercise helps calm the mind by focusing on sensory details:

  1. 5 Things You See – Look around your space and name five things you see. Focus on details, textures, and colors—especially any plants, natural items, or calming images around you.
  2. 4 Things You Hear – Listen to your surroundings. What sounds do you notice? Maybe it’s the hum of your computer, distant voices, or the rustling of a nearby plant. Simply observe without judgment.
  3. 3 Things You Can Touch – Feel three different textures around you. Maybe it’s the smooth surface of your desk, the soft fabric of your clothing, or the cool metal of your chair.
  4. 2 Things You Smell – Take a moment to notice scents. It could be the aroma of your coffee, the faint scent of a plant, or even just fresh air if a window is open.
  5. 1 Deep Breath – Finish with a deep, cleansing breath. Close your eyes and feel the calm settle in.

This grounding exercise is a great way to use nature’s calming effects anywhere, anytime. Whether you step outside, bring a plant into your space, or take a few moments to ground yourself, nature is a powerful tool to recharge your mind.

Try it today, and let me know if you notice a shift. 



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